Shamans have been an important figure head in cultures for centuries. They are the healers, the medicine men, the storytellers, and the divinely inspired. They are the link between the known and unknown worlds. They treat ailments my mending the soul and enter supernatural realms to find solutions to real world problems. Shamans of different cultures took on different tasks but the element of storyteller remains constant. Thousands of years ago storytellers gave the people spiritual guidance and answers to the mysteries of the universe. Today storytellers are needed just the same. We as individuals discover our own shamans in the form of a book, an inspiring person, or experiences/place we hold dear. All three pieces I have chosen have a strong element of story behind them but the figure of the Shaman most recalls the creature I created in the Hollow of the Restless. In a way the creature is a Shaman bestowing knowledge and wisdom upon the viewer and also including the aspects of costume, props, and the same connection between the earthly and spirit worlds.

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